Francisco Varela’s Legacy
Public Conference
Saturday 1st July 2006 - 15.45
Aula Absidale S.Lucia - University of bologna - Via De' Chiari 25/a
Click here to learn how to reach via De' Chiari.
“I hope I have seduced the reader to consider that we have in front of us the possibility of an open-ended quest for resonant passages between human experience and cognitive science. The price however is to take first-person accounts seriously as valid domain of phenomena. And beyond that, to build a sustained tradition of phenomenological examination that is almost entirely nonexistent today in our western science and culture at large.”
(F. Varela: Neurophenomenology, A methodological remedy for the hard problem)
Against the stream: Buddhist scientist Francisco Varela
Joan Halifax Roshi
Upaya Zen Center
Autopoiesis as the blue print of life
Proff. Dr. Pier Luigi Luisi
Dipartimento di Biologia
Università Roma3
Neurophenomenology: A science which turns its blind spot to advantage
Michel Bitbol, PhD
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Chargé de cours à l'Université Paris I
Meditation and consciousness: A neurophenomenological approach
Evan Thompson, PhD
Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto
Round table discussion with all speakers: "Enaction and Interaction"
Opening Remarks, Prof. Riccardo Antonini (Consorzio Roma Ricerche)
Guest of honour
Amy Cohen-Varela
Francisco Varela
Francisco Varela (Santiago, 1946 – Paris, 2001) was a Chilean biologist and philosopher who introduce the concept of autopoiesis to biology. He is also a proponent of the embodied philosophy which claims that human cognition and consciousness can only be understood in terms of the physical structures in which it arises, namely the body, and the environment in which the body interacts. He made an impact on the neuroscience profession by introducing concepts such as neurophenmonology, based on writings of Husserl, and "first person science" in which observers apply scientifically verifiable methods for examining the nature of their own conscious experience.
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